IELTS Examination Training - Bar Graph

A bar graph or bar chart is a graph that uses either horizontal or perpendicular bars to shew comparisons among categories. One bloc of the graph shows the particular categories existence compared, and the over-the-counter bloc represents a distinct assess. Roughly bar graphs represent bars agglomerate in groups of more one (sorted bar graphs), and buy essays online cheap others display the bars shared into subparts to demonstrate conglomerate core (curvaceous bar graphs).

The chart shows distaff unemployment rates in apiece commonwealth of the Joined Land in 2013 and 2014.

The charts read the issue and genres of TV programmes watched by men and women and 4 dissimilar age groups in Australia.

The bar graph shows shares of expenditures for fivesome major categories in the Joined States, Canada, the Joined Land, and Japan in the class 2009.

The graph shows the share vary in the parcel of external students among university graduates in dissimilar Canadian provinces betwixt 2001 and 2006.

The graph gives info approximately the UK’s aging universe in 1985 and makes predictions for 2035.

The bar graph gives data approximately the portion of the universe livelihood in urban areas in the humankind and in dissimilar continents.

The graphs render data on globose universe figures and figures for urban populations in dissimilar humans regions.

The graph shows the share of virile and distaff teachers in six unlike types of educational scope in the UK in 2010.

The bar graph gives entropy some the act of students perusing Computing at a UK university ‘tween 2010 and 2012.

The graph shows the summate bit of transactions (in millions) of telephony calls in Finland, shared into ternary categories, from 1995 ? 2004.

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